Sunday, March 22, 2009

MARCH THEME: Behind the Insanity of Relationships (or what the Drama re: Chris Brown v Rihanna Could Teach Us)

A brother who came to the February event thought we might discuss the Chris Brown v. Rihanna scenario this Friday March 27th at the next event.

I Twitter or should I say I tweet @kyraocity. Tweets by author Toure twittering @ToureX captured some of the absurdity of it all for me. Check out his tweets since Mar 10th and FYI: "RT" = retweet or resent by current tweeter
  • I'm sorry to all who think I do too much CB/Ri stuff. It's just the most controversial, shocking entertainment news story of the year. 7:48 PM Mar 10th from TweetDeck
  • If the CB&Ri story was static I would've moved on long ago but it mutates constantly. And it's not gossip, it's law, DV, confused love...7:54 PM Mar 10th from TweetDeck
  • RT @brotherdarkness: most black intellectuals hold BET with the same regard Rhianna's makeup artist holds CB. [I agree.] 6:32 PM Mar 12th from TweetDeck
  • You can exhale now: I just heard there is NOT a Ri&CB duet on the way (at this time) Mar 13th from TweetDeck
  • Oh, Rihanna. Listen to Oprah! LEAVE THAT DOUCHE! We wish you loved yourself as much as we love you.4:41 PM Mar 13th from TweetDeck
  • No one's stopping CB's day in court. Why does my brain have to pause for lawyers? I've seen the pic. Real men don't beat up women.2:34 PM Mar 19th from TweetDeck
  • Chris & Rihanna are officially on a break. They're not calling it a breakup, just feeling they need some distance. Ya think? 2:09 PM Mar 19th from TweetDeck
  • To the little girls who absolved Chris from judgment bc Rihanna went back to him, now that they're apart, is he monstrous? 2:12 PM Mar 19th from TweetDeck
This Friday Mar 27th will be a night of sharing. No exercise planned per se but there is an intention.


I am creating a safe and open space to explore how this shows up for so many of us in relationships (perhaps we are not alone). We are not going to discuss Chris and Rihanna but rather ourselves in a safe way (that's the game I will create).

To get you started check out the YouTube video in the following link called HOW TO BREAK UP-TALES OF MERE EXISTENCE.

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