Sunday, January 6, 2008


Our theme for the February 1st event will be sensuality. Last year we did this theme to 1) learn about activating your senses and 2) to see how good you are at telling a person of the opposite sex how to please your senses. Remember this is all platonic. This ain't a Cuddle Party (run by a former acquaintaince), but you'll be amazed about how important it is to know how your senses function overall and individually.

Did you know that we have the least number of words to distinguish smell in the English language? It's also the most offensive arena of the senses from the locker room to pungeant food odors. But you can play with the senses once you know how to activate them, clear them--like ginger for your palate, and play with them in relating to the opposite sex.

We will be activating our touch, smell, sight, and sound senses during the evening.

The next event is February 1st from 9pm - Midnight.

Black History month can always get so significant, so self-important that we forget one of the golden rules of being human -- being touched. I named my album/CD after a Nikki Giovanni poem that says
and if ever I touched a life I hope
that life knows that I know that touching was and still is and will always
be the true

"When I Die" from My House (1972)
So "Sensuality" seems a fitting theme for the February event to bring men and women together around.

This song by the Isley Brothers is one of the sexiest songs on Sensuality

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