Saturday, November 3, 2007

NOV 2: Designing an Owner's Manual for healthy black relationships

Another remarkable, laughter-filled, seriously engaging conversation and delightful crowd. There were 5 men and 5 women defying any of the talk about there not being enough men. We didn't start on time (black folks!) but we were right on time with the expected results. Folks got present to what using the design of an OWNER'S MANUAL can provide for oneself and for the people in your life you intend to be intimate with at work, at home and in your romantic encounters.
closeness: a feeling of being intimate and belonging together; "their closeness grew as the night wore on"

Intimacy has more to do with shared moments than sexual interactions.

In concert hall acoustics, a venue is said to have "acoustical intimacy" if music played in it gives the impression of being played in a small hall.
These events are really an antidote to wasting $35-40 at speed dating where you get some names and numbers, some primping and prowling, and maybe a drink in some impersonal public venue. Success with the Opposite Sex: Get Related not Dated(TM) is a fun and engaging way to foster healthy relationships between men and women in our black communities.

AT NOVEMBER'S EVENT: We talked about your owner's manual being a tool to inform yourself and others what's need for you to operate at optimum performance and what trouble-shooting should be done if you have a "flat tire" (A man needs 30 mins when he comes home from work) or need a "tune-up". What makes your engine run well? (Must have a massage once a month; Must exercise and go to church regularly). All this would be written in your owner's manual and like your car's manual, you may never take it out of the glove compartment but it can be useful in ANY kind of relationship (not just romantic) when unfamiliar drivers need to learn how to really enjoy your ride. Fri Nov 2, we created the preface of your manual so to speak. What is your motto, tagline or core value.
What is your motto, tagline or core value?
Your owner's manual is for the people who come into your intimate life (male or female). Please bring some ideas about your motto/tagline/core value. Here are descriptions of each:

A motto (from Italian) is a phrase or a short list of words meant formally to describe the general motivation or intention of an entity, social group, or organization.

A tagline is a variant of a branding slogan typically used in marketing materials and advertising. The idea behind the concept is to create a memorable phrase that will sum up the tone and premise of a brand or product (like a film), or to reinforce the audience's memory of a product. Some taglines are successful enough to warrant inclusion in popular culture, often becoming snowclones.

Examples of famous movie/television taglines are:
• Love Story ? Love means never having to say you're sorry.
• Star Trek ? To boldly go where no man has gone before.
• The X-Files ? The truth is out there.
• Jaws 2 - Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...

"Your core values are the guiding principles that help you make decisions on a daily basis and define what you stand for as a person and a business. You can spend a lot of time haggling over what they are, but what really matters is that you have them and that you allow them to guide you.

Walt Disney's core values, for example, are imagination and wholesomeness" but it is not "customer service". That's Nordstrom's core value. Sony's core values are: "The elevation of the Japanese culture and national status; being a pioneer--not following others--doing the impossible; encouraging individual ability and creativity" (

Join us next month on December 7th in Brooklyn for pt. 2 of Designing your own Owner's Manual. For an invitation, check out or join

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